Company holiday

We are on company holidays from 05.08.2024 to 16.08.2024!

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PS XX-XX PS 66-55

Short informations

Voltage: 66V/ 74V
Current: 55A/ 110A/ 220A

Power supply to expand the CAR-SYS 14 for the tests according to ISO 7637 and ISO 16750-2.

Additional Info

  • ISO: ISO 7637-2, ISO 16750-2
  • Manufacturer: LV 124, LV 148, VW 8000, VW 8100

Related items

More in this category: « AWG 6000 CAR-TG20 »

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 76297 Stutensee

 Am Hasenbiel 42

 +49 7244 20 500-0

 +49 7244 20 500-39


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Elektrische Prüf- und Messtechnik GmbH

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